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 Dreams of Fantasy

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2 participants

Féminin Date d'inscription : 18/01/2006
Nombre de messages : 641
Age : 42
Localisation : Pyrénées Atlantiques

Dreams of Fantasy Empty
MessageSujet: Dreams of Fantasy   Dreams of Fantasy Miniic10Dim 4 Jan - 23:05

Dreams of Fantasy Miniheadergn5

Nom du forum et adresse URL
Dreams of Fantasy

Administrateur(s): Kawett
Modérateur(s): ---

Description du forum:
Vous voulez allier votre passion pour les RPG à vos devoirs?
Réviser votre anglais tout en vous amusant?
Dreams of Fantasy est fait pour vous!
Créée par une française pour les français, on vous aidera à progresser!

Voilà un aperçu de l'Histoire:

"From time immemorial, different races cohabit on the continent of Naelvia. Each of these races controls a part of the territory and they rarely go beyond their lands by fear of a war as it had already happened in the past, leaving Naelvia bloodless and fragile.

But people got tired of staying home, and some merchants and adventurers tried their luck and travelled from one territory to another, doing the inhabitants some favours or selling unusual products from another race. Thanks to these exchanges, people are now more open to the others even if there are still some confrontations with the black elves rather intolerant towards other races, especially with their white cousins who are making them jealous of their lands in a pretty forest while they have to live underground in dark caves.

But here is not the only problem. Indeed, white elves are holding their black cousins responsible for the strange and dark fog which has appeared at the farthest East and which finds its beginning on the coast.

At the same time, Kayhan, prince of the King of Fort-Laâm, disappeared despite his bodyguards. Everything tends to prove that this is a kidnapping as there are signs of a fight in his bedroom. Unfortunately, nobody has asked a ransom yet and king Solak and queen Eileen are desperate.

Is there a link between this dark fog and this kidnapping? Nobody knows, but an old legend speaking of a lost continent is spreading like wildfire through Naelvia. It is said that only fairies know where it is and they are now persecuted by adventurers.

Who will find the reason and the effects of the dark fog?
Who will find Prince Kayhan or the lost continent?

The first chapter of Naelvia story is now open!"

Nombre des membres: 1
Nombre de messages: 10
Date d’ouverture du forum: 01 Janvier 2009

Des fiches concernant les races et les créatures présentes sur le forum vont voir le jour dans les semaines à venir mais n'hésitez pas d'ores et déjà à vous inscrire!

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saul meyer

Masculin Date d'inscription : 18/09/2005
Nombre de messages : 1565
Localisation : Ici sur le forum.
Humeur : J'aime pas le froid !

Dreams of Fantasy Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dreams of Fantasy   Dreams of Fantasy Miniic10Lun 5 Jan - 23:41

Kikou Kyô

jolie bannière Wink

Dreams of Fantasy Pubacc10

Cordialement Le Prince.
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Féminin Date d'inscription : 18/01/2006
Nombre de messages : 641
Age : 42
Localisation : Pyrénées Atlantiques

Dreams of Fantasy Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dreams of Fantasy   Dreams of Fantasy Miniic10Mer 4 Fév - 23:07

Dreams of Fantasy Miniheadergn5

Nom du forum et adresse URL
Dreams of Fantasy

Administrateur(s): Kawett
Modérateur(s): ---

Description du forum:
Vous voulez allier votre passion pour les RPG à vos devoirs?
Réviser votre anglais tout en vous amusant?
Dreams of Fantasy est fait pour vous!
Créée par une française pour les français, on vous aidera à progresser!

Voilà un aperçu de l'Histoire:

"From time immemorial, different races cohabit on the continent of Naelvia. Each of these races controls a part of the territory and they rarely go beyond their lands by fear of a war as it had already happened in the past, leaving Naelvia bloodless and fragile.

But people got tired of staying home, and some merchants and adventurers tried their luck and travelled from one territory to another, doing the inhabitants some favours or selling unusual products from another race. Thanks to these exchanges, people are now more open to the others even if there are still some confrontations with the black elves rather intolerant towards other races, especially with their white cousins who are making them jealous of their lands in a pretty forest while they have to live underground in dark caves.

But here is not the only problem. Indeed, white elves are holding their black cousins responsible for the strange and dark fog which has appeared at the farthest East and which finds its beginning on the coast.

At the same time, Kayhan, prince of the King of Fort-Laâm, disappeared despite his bodyguards. Everything tends to prove that this is a kidnapping as there are signs of a fight in his bedroom. Unfortunately, nobody has asked a ransom yet and king Solak and queen Eileen are desperate.

Is there a link between this dark fog and this kidnapping? Nobody knows, but an old legend speaking of a lost continent is spreading like wildfire through Naelvia. It is said that only fairies know where it is and they are now persecuted by adventurers.

Who will find the reason and the effects of the dark fog?
Who will find Prince Kayhan or the lost continent?

The first chapter of Naelvia story is now open!"

Nombre des membres: 1
Nombre de messages: 10
Date d’ouverture du forum: 01 Janvier 2009

Des fiches concernant les races et les créatures présentes sur le forum vont voir le jour dans les semaines à venir mais n'hésitez pas d'ores et déjà à vous inscrire!

Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Féminin Date d'inscription : 18/01/2006
Nombre de messages : 641
Age : 42
Localisation : Pyrénées Atlantiques

Dreams of Fantasy Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dreams of Fantasy   Dreams of Fantasy Miniic10Dim 22 Mar - 11:44

Dreams of Fantasy Miniheadergn5

Nom du forum et adresse URL
Dreams of Fantasy

Administrateur(s): Kawett
Modérateur(s): ---

Description du forum:
Vous voulez allier votre passion pour les RPG à vos devoirs?
Réviser votre anglais tout en vous amusant?
Dreams of Fantasy est fait pour vous!
Créée par une française pour les français, on vous aidera à progresser!

Voilà un aperçu de l'Histoire:

"From time immemorial, different races cohabit on the continent of Naelvia. Each of these races controls a part of the territory and they rarely go beyond their lands by fear of a war as it had already happened in the past, leaving Naelvia bloodless and fragile.

But people got tired of staying home, and some merchants and adventurers tried their luck and travelled from one territory to another, doing the inhabitants some favours or selling unusual products from another race. Thanks to these exchanges, people are now more open to the others even if there are still some confrontations with the black elves rather intolerant towards other races, especially with their white cousins who are making them jealous of their lands in a pretty forest while they have to live underground in dark caves.

But here is not the only problem. Indeed, white elves are holding their black cousins responsible for the strange and dark fog which has appeared at the farthest East and which finds its beginning on the coast.

At the same time, Kayhan, prince of the King of Fort-Laâm, disappeared despite his bodyguards. Everything tends to prove that this is a kidnapping as there are signs of a fight in his bedroom. Unfortunately, nobody has asked a ransom yet and king Solak and queen Eileen are desperate.

Is there a link between this dark fog and this kidnapping? Nobody knows, but an old legend speaking of a lost continent is spreading like wildfire through Naelvia. It is said that only fairies know where it is and they are now persecuted by adventurers.

Who will find the reason and the effects of the dark fog?
Who will find Prince Kayhan or the lost continent?

The first chapter of Naelvia story is now open!"

Nombre des membres: 15
Nombre de messages: 110
Date d’ouverture du forum: 01 Janvier 2009

Des fiches concernant les races et les créatures présentes sur le forum vont voir le jour dans les semaines à venir mais n'hésitez pas d'ores et déjà à vous inscrire!

L'aventure a déjà commencé!

Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Féminin Date d'inscription : 18/01/2006
Nombre de messages : 641
Age : 42
Localisation : Pyrénées Atlantiques

Dreams of Fantasy Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dreams of Fantasy   Dreams of Fantasy Miniic10Mar 21 Avr - 21:37

Dreams of Fantasy Miniheadergn5

Nom du forum et adresse URL
Dreams of Fantasy

Administrateur(s): Kawett
Modérateur(s): ---

Description du forum:
Vous voulez allier votre passion pour les RPG à vos devoirs?
Réviser votre anglais tout en vous amusant?
Dreams of Fantasy est fait pour vous!
Créée par une française pour les français, on vous aidera à progresser!

Voilà un aperçu de l'Histoire:

"From time immemorial, different races cohabit on the continent of Naelvia. Each of these races controls a part of the territory and they rarely go beyond their lands by fear of a war as it had already happened in the past, leaving Naelvia bloodless and fragile.

But people got tired of staying home, and some merchants and adventurers tried their luck and travelled from one territory to another, doing the inhabitants some favours or selling unusual products from another race. Thanks to these exchanges, people are now more open to the others even if there are still some confrontations with the black elves rather intolerant towards other races, especially with their white cousins who are making them jealous of their lands in a pretty forest while they have to live underground in dark caves.

But here is not the only problem. Indeed, white elves are holding their black cousins responsible for the strange and dark fog which has appeared at the farthest East and which finds its beginning on the coast.

At the same time, Kayhan, prince of the King of Fort-Laâm, disappeared despite his bodyguards. Everything tends to prove that this is a kidnapping as there are signs of a fight in his bedroom. Unfortunately, nobody has asked a ransom yet and king Solak and queen Eileen are desperate.

Is there a link between this dark fog and this kidnapping? Nobody knows, but an old legend speaking of a lost continent is spreading like wildfire through Naelvia. It is said that only fairies know where it is and they are now persecuted by adventurers.

Who will find the reason and the effects of the dark fog?
Who will find Prince Kayhan or the lost continent?

The first chapter of Naelvia story is now open!"

Nombre des membres: 14
Nombre de messages: 114
Date d’ouverture du forum: 01 Janvier 2009

Des fiches concernant les races et les créatures présentes sur le forum vont voir le jour dans les semaines à venir mais n'hésitez pas d'ores et déjà à vous inscrire!

L'aventure a déjà commencé!
En ce moment même, Rose la fille de l'aubergiste fait des rencontres bien étranges entre démon et assassin!
Lily la fée se voit obligée d'aider un écureuil cherchant une noisette perdue alors qu'il l'observait danser dans les airs!

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